At first tom presented her with a purple flower but discovered that butch had given her a pink and red floral wreath with love from butch written on it. The next thing tom gave was a perfume but soon after a tanker full of perfume drives to her home with love from butch written on it. Then tom gave her a diamond ring with the diamond so small that you need a magnifying glass to be able to view it, then she showed him the diamond ring butch gave her and it was so big that you needed eye protection to be able to see it. Tom's final gift for her was a car—one that he literally sold himself slavery for (twenty years of it to be precise), just so that he could cover 26-years worth of payments at an annual interest rate of 112% (and he literally sells an arm and a leg for it). However, Tom's car was an outdated jalopy that got completely flattened by Butch's much longer, more luxurious coupe when he drives up the white cat's house to pick her up.
Completely heart broken he gets to know that Butch and white cat marry and then he tries to attempt suicide my jumping into a gutter but jerry saves him at the last time. Then tom starts consuming too much of alcohol (in the series its shown as milk) (for user convenience) and gets very depressed. Ultimately being fed up from life he sits on a railway track to commit suicide and Jerry watches him sitting there, in a split of a second, jerry watches his love, Toots (white female mouse) that jerry loved driving with another mouse with just married written on back. So he gets to know that his love had been equally unfaithful as the Tom's. Devastated from life jerry joins Tom on the railway track and right then the episode ends. Which obviously means they committed suicide in the very end.
Later on this episode was banned for life from television due to references to alcohol and suicide. However if anyone wishes to watch this episode they can click on youtube with the title "Blue Cat Blue Eyes"
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